Gas stations in Hong Kong mainly supplies 98-octane unleaded gasoline while most car engines on the other hand are designed for 95-octane number gasoline. Despite the difference, using 98-octane gasoline does not have a negative effect to the engine as the octane number is merely a measurement of gasoline against compression.
So why are there cheap and expensive gasoline at gas stations?
According to gasoline companies in Hong Kong, what makes different gasoline expensive are the additives that they add. In theory, these additives make the gasoline run smoother and more efficient however they are just an optional and added features. Without additives, the gasoline and your car will operate just as well.
Is expensive gasoline good for cars?
What’s more important is regular car inspection and maintenance such as replacing engine oil, oil filter, and air filter in a timely manner.
Please remember to renew your vehicle license and car insurance every year.
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