Personal Accident Insurance: 6 things you should do during, before and after exercise

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The summer’s Olympic fever has hit Hong Kong because of the historical success at the Tokyo Olympic Games which was contributed by local athletes, or we can call them heroes! Recently, citizens are becoming more willing to get involved in sports. Exercise has many benefits such as improving health and boosting happiness due to endorphins. Whatever physical activity you choose to work, there’s one important thing that we should never forget – protect yourself from getting hurt and unexpected accidents as much as possible. Today's blog shares 6 things you should do during, before and after exercise!

1. Choose the right clothes and footwear.

Make sure you wear sweat absorbent and flash drying clothes according to seasons and different activities. Prepare sufficient warm clothing during cold weather; and breathable clothing during Summer, also bring a change of clothes if needed. Personal protective equipment must be worn for some sports (for example, wearing a helmet while biking).

Well-fitting and protective shoes are important as well. To prevent you from sprains and trips, choose lightweight, soft sneakers with thick soles while jogging or running; and shoes with solid rubber outsoles that provide traction and durability while playing ball games.

2. Food is fuel for your body.

Never exercise on an empty stomach as it may cause a faint, remember to grab a snack before you move your body! An energy bar, a banana and a cup of skimmed milk are good choices to energize and fuel your body. The sweet spot is not too hungry, not too full. Don’t forget to drink water before and after exercise to stay hydrated as well!

3. Warm-up, warm-up, warm-up. 

Skipping your warm-up is a no-no. When it comes to decreasing the chance of injury such as cramps and sprains, warm-up exercises are the best way to prime your muscles. So, try to spend 10 to 15 minutes (a few minutes longer in the winter) warming up to prepare yourself for a workout.

4. Listen to your body during exercise.

While exercising, you should be aware of your limits and advance gradually,  and drink water regularly to avoid dehydration. If you feel dizzy, nauseous or short of breath, stop exercising immediately and take a rest, consult your doctor when necessary.

5. Stretch your body after exercise. 

Just because you finish your final lap, doesn’t mean the exercise routine is over. In fact, you should stretch your body to relax the tension of your muscles, it’s good for reducing muscle damage and preventing injuries.  

6. Buying a Personal Accident Insurance plan is a plus.

You can consider buying a personal accident insurance plan for your family and yourself as it can protect you against medical expenses caused by an accidental injury, and even provide a weekly income benefit should there be an income loss due to an accidental injury.

Looking for the right insurance plan? Save more time and money with HoldCover. We offer a wide range of personal accident insurance plans from different insurance companies.

Click here to get quick personal accident insurance quotes for free!


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